Friday, October 7, 2011

California freshmen lose out on college.

California freshmen lose out on college. AS IF BEGINNING FRESHMEN weren't under enough stress already,one thing that should also be on their minds front and center from dayone is college, says a new report from the nonprofit A corporation or an association that conducts business for the benefit of the general public without shareholders and without a profit motive.Nonprofits are also called not-for-profit corporations. Nonprofit corporations are created according to state law. research andservice agency WestEd. The report, which analyzed the final high school transcripts ofthousands of California students, reveals staggering figures showingthat too many are falling off the state's college-preparatorytrack, or are never getting on it in the first place. Experts say that the situation is not unique to California."We know that students struggle a lot during freshman year,"says Daria Hall, assistant director of K12 policy at the nonprofit groupEd Trust. If students fall behind in credit accumulation in their firstyear, they often "face a steep uphill struggle to regain theirfooting," says Hall, and will continue to fail if there isn'teffective school intervention. The lead author of the study, Course Taking Patterns andPreparation for Postsecondary Education in California's PublicUniversity Systems among Minority Youth, says there are all sorts ofreasons why students may fall off or not perform at satisfactory levels,such as a lack of understanding of which courses are collegepreparatory, or simply not having a college readiness mindset mind��setor mind-setn.1. A fixed mental attitude or disposition that predetermines a person's responses to and interpretations of situations.2. An inclination or a habit. . [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] "The real lesson is that all district leaders, teachers,guidance counselors guidance counselorChild psychology A school worker trained to screen, evaluate and advise students on career and academic matters , and most importantly Adv. 1. most importantly - above and beyond all other consideration; "above all, you must be independent"above all, most especially students, must understand thevalue of a consistent trajectory TrajectoryThe curve described by a body moving through space, as of a meteor through the atmosphere, a planet around the Sun, a projectile fired from a gun, or a rocket in flight. for entering higher education higher educationStudy beyond the level of secondary education. Institutions of higher education include not only colleges and universities but also professional schools in such fields as law, theology, medicine, business, music, and art. ,"says WestEd's Neal Finkelstein, "and they must understand itearly." Among the study's key findings were that more than a third ofall students sampled had not met the California university California University can refer to: California University of Pennsylvania in the Pittsburgh suburb of California, Pennsylvania. The State of California runs two separate 4-year university systems: University of California California State University system'sEnglish requirements for ninth-graders by the end of freshman year, andmore than 40 percent of students had not completed two semesters ofcollege-preparatory math by the end of freshman year.

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