Saturday, October 8, 2011

By the numbers: a data bank on education trends for district leaders.

By the numbers: a data bank on education trends for district leaders. THIS MONTH: Parental InvolvementIn a recent study of American American,river, 30 mi (48 km) long, rising in N central Calif. in the Sierra Nevada and flowing SW into the Sacramento River at Sacramento. The discovery of gold at Sutter's Mill (see Sutter, John Augustus) along the river in 1848 led to the California gold rush of adults, almost all respondents In the context of marketing research, a representative sample drawn from a larger population of people from whom information is collected and used to develop or confirm marketing strategy. , 96%,said parents should partner with teachers in their children'seducation.Also, 94% said all adults in a community--not just the parents of acurrent student--should volunteer time or expertise in support ofteachers and schools.Source: Horace Horace(Quintus Horatius Flaccus) (hôr`əs), 65 B.C.–8 B.C., Latin poet, one of the greatest of lyric poets, b. Venusia, S Italy. He studied at Rome and Athens and, joining Brutus and the republicans, fought (42 B.C.) at Philippi. Mann, www.horacemann.comWhat Parents Do% of parents who have donethe following in recent years:Class trip or party 57%Behavior and discipline decisions 20%Financial input 19%Curriculum planning 15%Staff hiring involvement 7%Source: Public AgendaNote: Table made from bar graph.SUPERINTENDENTS' VIEWS87% superintendents say, "Schools are more responsive toactive, vocal vo��caladj.1. Of or relating to the voice.2. Capable of emitting sound or speech.vocalpertaining to the voice. parents."Source: Public AgendaIn a recent Gallup/Phi Delta Kappa survey, 32% of respondents said"parent involvement" could prevent future school shootings See also: School shooting is a term popularized in American and Canadian media to describe gun violence at educational institutions, especially the mass murder or spree killing of people connected with an ."Acted as a volunteeror served on a committee"Racial RelationshipWhite 43%Black 26Hispanic 25Other 31Household Income$10,000 or less 21%$10,001-20,000 23$20,001-35,000 31$35,001-50,000 39More than $50,000 50Parent'sHighest Educational LevelLess than high school 13%High school diplomaor equivalent 26Some college 37Bachelor's degree 50Graduate/professional school 54Source: NCESManaging Schools?Which is the better approach?To get parents directly involved in runningthe school, with input in hiring, budgetingand curriculumParents 16% Teachers 5%Or, to get parents more involved in their children'seducation at home by such things aslimiting TV and checking homeworkParents 72% Teachers 87%Source: Public Agenda38% of parents say they have never been told how they might becomemore involved at school.Source: National Institute for Literacy literacyAbility to read and write. The term may also refer to familiarity with literature and to a basic level of education obtained through the written word. In ancient civilizations such as those of the Sumerians and Babylonians, literacy was the province of an elite , See .gov and GovNet. (networking) gov - The top-level domain for US government bodies. Parents are AWOL% of teachers who say:It's always the same group of parents who are helping out at school 98%Too many parents don't know what's going on with their child's education 78More parental involvement would help my students be more successful in school 65Parental involvement in my school is excellent or good 34Parental involvement is strong in my high school 19Source: Public Agenda, www.publicagenda.orgGrade levelParental involvementis typically lower forchildren in higher grades.Childrenin gradesK-5 88%6-8 70%9-12 51%Source: National Center for Education Statistics, nces.ed.govNote: Table made from pie chart.

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