Saturday, October 8, 2011

By the numbers on the G8 countries: a data bank on education trends for district leaders.

By the numbers on the G8 countries: a data bank on education trends for district leaders. ExpendituresTotal expenditures per student in primary andsecondary education (converted to U.S. dollars)Canada $5,947France $6,380Germany $6,034Japan $5,913United Kingdom $5,135United States $7,877Local, Regional, CentralPercentage distribution of public funds for primary andsecondary education, by level of government Local Regional Central governments governments governmentCanada 26 70 4France 14 12 74Germany 18 75 8Italy 14 5 81Japan 18 57 25Russian Federation 84 17 1United Kingdom 74 26United States 41 51 8Note: Table made from bar graph.CITIZENSHIPPercentage of 14-year-olds who report trust in the nationalgovernment and percent who report interest in politics.Percent who "always" or"most of the time" trustthe national governmentEngland 44%Germany 44%Italy 50%RussianFederation 29%United States 65%Percent who "agree" or"strongly agree" with thestatement "I am interestedin politics"England 25%Germany 42%Italy 44%RussianFederation 54%United States 39%READINGFourth-grader's average scores for the combinedreading literacy scaleENGLAND 553CANADA 544UNITED STATES 542ITALY 541GERMANY 539SCOTLAND 528RUSSIANFEDERATION 528FRANCE 525TEACHERS' SALARIESAverage public primary teachers' annual salarieswith minimum qualifications and 15 yearsof experience (converted to U.S. dollars)England $36,864France $29,193Germany $46,459Italy $28,483Japan $43,043Scotland $35,872United States $41,595Teachers' HoursAverage number of net teaching hours over the school year Middle High Elementary School SchoolFrance 905 637 609Germany 784 735 684Italy 748 612 612Japan 635 557 478Russian Federation 860 774 774Scotland 950 893 893United States 1139 1127 1139Note: Table made from bar graph.Source: National Center for Education Statistics,Comparative Indicators of Education in the United Statesand Other G8 Countries: 2004.

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