Friday, October 7, 2011

Ca roule! Books 1 & 2.

Ca roule! Books 1 & 2. [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] Carolyn Sudlow. 2007 Ca roule 1&2. Pearson Education Pearson Education is an international publisher of textbooks and other educational material, such as multimedia learning tools. Pearson Education is part of Pearson PLC. It is headquartered in Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. Australia. This is a new French course for secondary beginners and continuingstudents. The coursebooks are attractively presented with authenticphotos of French sights and scenes, colourful drawings for thepresentation of vocabulary, and appropriate contexts. A student CD for listening practice, a workbook in black and white,and a teacher's resource file accompany each coursebook. There areCDs for the teacher's use. In Coursebook 1 there are fourteen units covering topics likenationalities, shopping at a superette The Superette is a compact food market which often services persons in low density suburbs. The common form of the Superette is similar, if not identical, to the typical New Zealand dairy. , neighbours, school, food, likesand dislikes, family, birthdays, hobbies, buildings in towns, shoppingfor food, hobbies, and holidays. There are four cultural units inEnglish interspersed throughout the book. They treat the Eiffel Tower Eiffel Tower,structure designed by A. G. Eiffel and erected in the Champ-de-Mars for the Paris exposition of 1889. The tower is 984 ft (300 m) high and consists of an iron framework supported on four masonry piers, from which rise four columns uniting to form one ,pets in Paris, French explorers, and French chateaux. The icon 'A' in the coursebook and workbook indicateswhere appropriate CD wacks introduce and practise language. Other iconsguide the teacher to homework sheets, checklists, and tests. There isalso a companion website that provides supplementary activities toassimilate new language. Fifteen flashcards introduce the charactersappearing in the book. They can be copied onto cards or transparenciesfor frequent use. It is reasonably easy for the teacher to navigate the varioussections of the book and plan lessons. units are set out systematically. Learning outcomes are presentedin a box at the beginning of each unit. Vocabulary is introduced at thebeginning with sketches or pictures and then the items are incorporatedinto activites or conversation. This is followed by grammar and a mire mire(mer) [Fr.] one of the figures on the arm of an ophthalmometer whose images are reflected on the cornea; measurement of their variations determines the amount of corneal astigmatism. miren. en pratique pra��tique?n.Clearance granted to a ship to proceed into port after compliance with health regulations or quarantine.[French, from Old French practique, from Medieval Latin section, which practises the new language, usually in theform of a guided role-play. There is also a lecture section for readingcomprehension. Writing appears under bilan and includes exercises incopying, matching, filling in spaces, and unscrambling letters or words.Workbook exercises further practise listening with the CD. Writing andgrammar are also reinforced through word exercises, jumbled sentences,missing articles, partitive par��ti��tive?adj.1. Dividing or serving to divide something into parts; marked by division.2. Grammar Indicating a part as distinct from a whole, as some of the coffee in the sentence articles, and verb forms. Flash infos helpstudents become aware of cultural differences and learning strategies. Coursebook 2 follows the same pattern with twelve units and fourcultural units. Topics here are more advanced, yet revision is in-built.An example in the unit on describing meals revises likes and dislikes,negation NEGATION. Denial. Two negations are construed to mean one affirmation. Dig. 50, 16, 137. , and partitive articles. At this level one cultural unit movesbeyond France to New Caledonia New Caledonia,Fr. Nouvelle Calédonie, internally self-governing territory of France (2005 est. pop. 216,000), land area 7,241 sq mi (18,760 sq km), South Pacific, c.700 mi (1,130 km) E of Australia. and another treats the French Revolution.By the end of the book students are able to talk about past and futureactivities. They can describe their homes, friends, routines, pets, andinterests. The CDs are excellent in providing authentic French pronunciationand intonation. The formation of sounds is dearly explained in English.When sounds are introduced students are told to listen, read, and repeatfrom their book. Teachers might like to teach the words in context firstand to repeat them before the written forms interfere withpronunciation. Repeating and using sentences would also encourage goodintonation patterns right from the beginning. There are six tests for Coursebook 2. They are quite comprehensiveand include tests on each skill. Speaking tests are based on role-plays.Assessment sheets that include assessment criteria are provided to scorethem. Listening vocabulary and grammar tests check on particularelements of the language. Reading is tested through multiple-choicequestions in English. For writing, students are asked to writeparagraphs, letters, or conversations guided by cues in English. Hereagain, assessment sheets are provided with criteria: use of correctFrench, spelling, content, and sequencing of sentences. With thesecriteria students are being well prepared for writing tasks at seniorlevels. The course also includes student self-assessment throughchecklists to ascertain what they have learnt after each unit. Thisinformation is a valuable tool for students in their growing languagecompetence and also for teachers to identify student learning needs. Ca roule is an attractive and multifaceted course whose emphasis ison communicating in French. Its layout and range of topics should appealto both teachers and young students. Teachers can easily identify theintercultural perspectives as well as the language awareness aspects ofthe course.

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