Saturday, October 8, 2011

2007, Anthropos: A Sociohistorical transition: Trade in forest products and bride-price among the Punan Tubu of Eastern Kalimantan.

2007, Anthropos: A Sociohistorical transition: Trade in forest products and bride-price among the Punan Tubu of Eastern Kalimantan. Cesard, Nicolas, 2007, A Sociohistorical transition: Trade inforest products and bride-price among the Punan B>Punan Bah or Punan is an ethnic group found in Sarawak, Malaysia. They are distinct, unrelated to the Penan and also the other so called Punan found in the Indonesian part of Borneo. Their name stems from two rivers along the banks of which they have been living time immemorial. Tubu of EasternKalimantan Kalimantan:see Borneo. . Anthropos 102: 455477. Most of the former nomadic See nomadic computing. Punan of Kalimantan (Borneo) residealong the large rivers of the hinterland. For almost a century innortheastern Kalimantan the increased trade in forest products along theTubu River, as well as the settling process, had a significant impact onthe Punan Tubu's social system and the interaction of the differentgroups with the outside world. The article analyzes and summarizes thecontinuity between the commercial trade of the past and the current"bride-price" as exemplified by the Punan Tubu--at firstglance two unrelated spheres. A sociohistorical review highlights theeffects of the evolution of trade and the emergence of new goods, of theneighboring neigh��bor?n.1. One who lives near or next to another.2. A person, place, or thing adjacent to or located near another.3. A fellow human.4. Used as a form of familiar address.v. Dayak groups' influence, and of the adoption of complexmarriage payments (author).

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