Sunday, September 25, 2011

Computer Animation.

Computer Animation. Video/35 min./$24.95. Level: High School and Adult. CrystalProductions, P.O. Box 2159, Glenview Glenview,village (1990 pop. 37,093), Cook co., NE Ill., a growing suburb of Chicago; settled 1833, inc. 1899. There is varied light industry. Peacock Prairie, a center for important botanical research, is nearby. , IL 60025, (800) 255-8629. This video features Don Wass explaining and demonstrating 3-Danimation in a very well-presented and easy-to-follow manner. In asimple step-by-step method, Wass demonstrates the basic techniques ofthe program including modeling, using lathe lathe(lāth), machine tool for holding and turning metal, wood, plastic, or other material against a cutting tool to form a cylindrical product or part. It also drills, bores, polishes, grinds, makes threads, and performs other operations. tools, text tools, cameraangles, lighting, and so on. Using key frames within the program, Wass shows viewers how thecomputer software eliminates the tedious chore of drawing 30 or more"in-between" drawings to move an object from one place toanother. In addition to Wass' animated creations, the video alsocontains a student-created animation project and an interview with thestudent artist. The basic software capabilities demonstrated in thevideo should motivate all students, leveling the field for those who mayhave some difficulty in handling traditional art materials Techniques and materials related to art:Traditional techniques: Acrylic paint Charcoal Clay Collage Drawing Fresco Glass Gouache Gum arabic Lithography Oil painting Oil pastel Paint Painting Pen and ink . This wouldbe a valuable source of information for anyone interested in computeranimation.--B.H. For information about this program, circle No. 391 onthe Reader Service Card.

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