Thursday, September 29, 2011

Classical Theme Duets: 8 Beloved Masterworks.

Classical Theme Duets: 8 Beloved Masterworks. * Classical Theme Duets: 8 Beloved Masterworks, arranged by PhillipKeveren. Hal Leonard Corporation Hal Leonard Corporation is a US sheet music publishing company. It is the largest sheet music publisher in the world. (; (800)637-2852), 2007. 62pp. $9.95 This collection of well-known pieces provides some fresharrangements of themes that intermediate students may recognize. Thepage is formatted in very large notation, with the primo and secondo se��con��do?n. pl. se��con��diThe second part in a concert piece, especially the lower part in a piano duet.[Italian, from Latin secundus, second, following; see sek parts stacked one on another, rather than the more traditionalright-page primo/left-page secondo setting. Although this layout makestricky rhythm passages easier to visually assemble, it and the printsize limit the number of systems per page and thus demand manyinconvenient page turns. Among the best-sounding selections are the Beethoven FifthSymphony, first movement excerpt and the "Borodin PolovetsianDance." Both have good orchestral sound while remaining loyal tothe early-intermediate level suggested by the publication. The Bizet"Habenera" from Carmen Carmenthrows over lover for another. [Fr. Lit.: Carmen; Fr. Opera: Bizet, Carmen, Westerman, 189–190]See : FaithlessnessCarmenthe cards repeatedly spell her death. [Fr. is rhythmically challenging in theprimo, while the secondo is entirely repetitious rep��e��ti��tious?adj.Filled with repetition, especially needless or tedious repetition.repe��ti without ever having themelody. Gounod's "Funeral March of a Marionette marionette:see puppet. marionettePuppet figure manipulated from above by strings attached to a wooden cross or control. The figure, also called a string puppet, is usually manipulated by nine strings, attached to each leg, hand, shoulder, and ear " is theshortest of the selections and effective; the primo has the only melodicelements. Weakest of the arrangements is the excerpt of Mozart's GMinor Symphony; although the voicing sounds full, the transitions andending are not musically satisfying. The Tchaikovsky "Russian Dance(Trepak)" will provide much entertaining rehearsal for theperformers, although a simple repeat of the A section would haveeliminated one of the cumbersome page turns. This is probably the mostdifficult of the pieces in the volume. Keveren has both found appealing selections and created tastyarrangements in this volume. For the early to mid-intermediate pianoduo, it will provide enjoyable yet challenging repertoire and a positiveensemble experience.--Reviewed by Janice Wenger, NCTM NCTM National Council of Teachers of MathematicsNCTM Nationally Certified Teacher of MusicNCTM North Carolina Transportation MuseumNCTM National Capital Trolley MuseumNCTM Nationally Certified in Therapeutic Massage , University ofMissouri-Columbia * The items marked with this symbol can be ordered via the MTNA MTNA Music Teachers National AssociationMTNA Middle Tennessee Nursery Association (McMinnville, Tennessee)website through our affiliation with Go to andchoose Member Services from the Membership option in the main menu barfor more information.

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