Thursday, September 29, 2011

Classroom Papermaking II: Advanced Techniques and Special Projects.

Classroom Papermaking II: Advanced Techniques and Special Projects. [VHS/CD/VISUAL] CLASSROOM PAPERMAKING pa��per��mak��ing?n.The process or craft of making paper.paper��mak II: Advanced Techniques &Special Projects. Video/60 min./ $39.95. Level: Middle School and Above.Nash/Renfrow Productions, 1102 West Huron Street, Tucson, AZ 85745; This video presents more complex and advanced ways to workcreatively with classroom papermaking. Notes are seen on the screenthroughout as artist Catherine Nash explains and demonstrates a varietyof projects. She begins with coloring the pulp with pigments and aretention agent, and then proceeds to create compositions with pulpusing thin metal strips that are bent to create shapes. We observe children making large murals with the pulp, and we arethen given suggestions for the mural's mounting and display. Othertechniques include three-dimensional collaged pop-up illustrationsachieved by cutting, scoring, crumpling and curling the handmade paper This article or section is written like an .Please help [ rewrite this article] from a neutral point of view.Mark blatant advertising for , using . .How to overlap wet sheets together into a long piece of paper leads tothe creation of scrolls and accordion-fold books. Embossing embossing,process of producing upon various materials designs or patterns in relief by mechanical means. The material is pressed between a pair of dies especially adapted to its hardness and the depth of the design needed. the surfaceswith bent wire and cut up inner tubes offer exciting avenues. The viewer sees how to couch and tamp wet sheets down onto varioustextured surfaces and sculptural forms such as plaster moulds made fromsculptured clay. A stimulating video. For information about thisprogram, circle No. 389 on the Reader Service Card.

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