Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Cash cows or marketing mania? Here's a framework on how to craft a school-business partnership that benefits both parties. (Public Opinion).

Cash cows or marketing mania? Here's a framework on how to craft a school-business partnership that benefits both parties. (Public Opinion). Have you ever read about a hot, new technology-based program, thenturned sour because you knew you'd never find the money to do it?Anyway you look at it, technology costs money. But a common approach totechnology funding, school-business partnerships, can sometimes be bothboon and bane BANE. This word was formerly used to signify a malefactor. Bract. 1. 2, t. 8, c. 1. for district and school-based administrators. Here'swhy. For the second year in a row, Maryland State Sen. Paul Pinsky hasintroduced a bill designed to regulate marketing and advertising inpublic schools. The concern that prompts his legislation is one sharedby many--we must protect our kids in school from the voracious voracioussaid of appetite. See polyphagia. appetiteof corporate America to market, market, market to this captive teenaudience. Yet school-business partnerships need not feed at the altar ofteenage brand loyalty. Schools and businesses share a variety of commongoals that can produce the most productive of symbiotic relationships This is an incomplete list of notable mutualistic symbiotic relationships, in which different species have a cooperative or mutually dependent relationship. Humans and cultivated plants Humans and domesticated animals Humans and intestinal bacteria .As a school principal who has had the good fortune of experiencing thebest that corporate America has to offer in the school-businesspartnership arena, several lessons come to mind. IS YOUR DIRECT BUSINESS FRIENDLY? Do businesses know thatpartnerships are valued? In Howard County Howard County is the name of seven counties in the United States of America: Howard County, Arkansas: named for James H. Howard, an Arkansas state senator. Howard County, Indiana: named for Tilghman Ashurst Howard, an U.S. Representative from Indiana. , Md., Superintendent JohnO'Rouke holds "partnerships" as one of three core valuesguiding district initiatives. Providing ground that is fertile todeveloping partnerships forms the background that enabled me to solicitand promote business partnerships at River Hill High School. Fourcorporate partners from diverse industries--Amerix Corp., MindsurfNetworks, TESST College and W R Grace--each contribute resources thatenhance the technology infrastructure of our school. Each businessinitiated the desire to partner based on what they perceived to be awillingness to collaborate. Too many administrators succumb suc��cumb?intr.v. suc��cumbed, suc��cumb��ing, suc��cumbs1. To submit to an overpowering force or yield to an overwhelming desire; give up or give in. See Synonyms at yield.2. To die. to the temptation to ask for cashhandouts rather than explore commonalities that can lead to the craftingof a core vision for a living partnership. Often, it's the humanresources The fancy word for "people." The human resources department within an organization, years ago known as the "personnel department," manages the administrative aspects of the employees. present in local businesses that represent the most valuableresource for schools. Conversely, it's surprising the resources anylocal school has of value to local businesses--from athletic fields andfacilities to meeting space and performing groups--that can make therelationship a true "partnership." I'd be lying, however,if I didn't share the obvious. The most attractive partnerships arethose where a local business, in addition to those areas cited above,chooses to spend their dollars budgeted for community relations 1. The relationship between military and civilian communities.2. Those public affairs programs that address issues of interest to the general public, business, academia, veterans, Service organizations, military-related associations, and other non-news media entities. toassist the school in securing technology resources. But clearly, theroad to ruin and missed opportunities is littered with teachers andadministrators arrested as pickpockets. Each partnership is unique. Alldo not generate dollars for technology. Each is valuable in its own way.And remember it takes time. River Hill High School was three years oldbefore any partnership emerged. Three years later, we are thepartnership leader in our district of 64 schools. AVOIDING THE PITFALLS The real work begins once the vision is set.Creating a formal structure to oversee partnership activities iscritical. Regular communication ensures the most critical feature ofall--trust. Trustful, interpersonal relationships This article or section may contain original research or unverified claims.Please help Wikipedia by adding references. See the for details.This article has been tagged since September 2007. between the principal(don't delegate this responsibility) and a senior manager are amust. Because money is involved, ensure that accountability istransparent Value the perspective of your business partner, but alsomake it clear that you and your staff are the professional educators. Above all, avoid marketing mania Maniaancient Roman goddess of the dead. [Rom. Myth.: Zimmerman, 159]See : Death . When crafting your partnershipvision, keep this in mind. Promote your partners regularly on school Webpages, banners in the school, and in newsletters. But protect yourstudents from proprietary advertising. The money isn't worth thecost, and if you think that educators across the country are immune,think again. Sen. Pinsky didn't dream up his legislation in avacuum. He's responding to his constituents. The secret is not forcing the partnership equation. Be patient. Bewatchful watch��ful?adj.1. Closely observant or alert; vigilant: kept a watchful eye on the clock.See Synonyms at aware, careful.2. Archaic Not sleeping; awake. . Be wise. R. Scott Pfeifer Scott Pfeifer (born January 5, 1977 in St. Albert, Alberta) is a Canadian curler from Sherwood Park who plays in Granite Curling Club, Edmonton.Pfeifer won the '94 Canadian Junior Curling Championships and World Junior Curling Championships as a second for Colin Davison. , spfeifer@mail.howard.k12.md.us, is a principal atthe River Hill High School in Howard County (Md.) Public School System.

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