Sunday, October 9, 2011
Building a future for future builders: a constructive look at ACE Tech Charter High School.
Building a future for future builders: a constructive look at ACE Tech Charter High School. America is facing a skilled labor shortage A Labor shortage is an economic condition in which there are insufficient qualified candidates (employees) to fill the market-place demands for employment at any price. This condition is sometimes referred to by Economists as "an insufficiency in the labor force. in the constructionindustry. Predictions, like those from the U.S. Department ofLabor's Bureau of Labor Statistics Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)A research agency of the U.S. Department of Labor; it compiles statistics on hours of work, average hourly earnings, employment and unemployment, consumer prices and many other variables. , are that things may get worse.Retiring construction workers must be replaced if this industry is togrow. The estimate is around a quarter of a million replacements areneeded each year. But, how do you attract young people into a profession that hasbeen stereotypically looked upon as menial MENIAL. This term is applied to servants who live under their master's roof Vide stat. 2 H. IV., c. 21. and low paying? One schoolhas accepted the challenge with industry support, and the futurebuilders of tomorrow are walking its halls. Laying the Foundation People will always need places in which to live and eat, work andplay, meet and learn, shop and be entertained, or receive care andrehabilitate re��ha��bil��i��tatev.1. To restore to good health or useful life, as through therapy and education.2. To restore to good condition, operation, or capacity. . But without an adequate skilled labor force, who willbuild such facilities? In the third-largest school system in the nation,the first high school ever backed by the construction industry openedits doors for the 2004-2005 school year. Chicago's ACE Tech Charter High School is the brainchild of agroup of construction industry leaders who are aware of and concernedabout the growing shortage of skilled craftsmen necessary to keep theirtrade viable and workforce replenished. ACE Tech was created to preparehighly qualified inner city youths to fill the future growing employmentneeds in the construction industry. Across the nation, there is an emergence of charter schools, eachwith its own focus and unique mission. ACE Tech's mission is"to provide the highest levels of instruction, academic achievementand exemplary character development to prepare students for college orapprenticeship education." A charter school may set its own polities for curricula but is heldaccountable for student academic achievement by the board of education,which provides a percentage of the school's funding. Additional funding often comes from special interest groups andfundraising. ACE Tech has the backing of the building trades such asplumbing, pipefitting, carpentry, engineering and construction. Forinstance, the Chicago-area International Brotherhood of ElectricalWorkers The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) is a labor union which represents workers in the electrical industry in the United States and Canada, particularly electricians, or Inside Wiremen, in the construction industry and linemen and other employees of public (IBEW IBEWn abbr (US) (= International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers) → sindicato internacional de electricistasIBEWn abbr (US) (= International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers ) and National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA NECA National Electrical Contractors AssociationNECA National Exchange Carrier AssociationNECA National Electrical and Communications Association (Australia)NECA National Electricity Code Administrator (Australia))jointly contributed $100,000, and a labor management association,Construction Industry Service Corporation, donated $50,000. Community organizations, foundations and even universities havesponsored charter schools, but to see the building trades come togetheras they have to "construct" ACE Tech is inspirational. Thishas given career and technical education a boost, the building industryhope, and most importantly Adv. 1. most importantly - above and beyond all other consideration; "above all, you must be independent"above all, most especially , the possibility of a promising future forthe students who attend ACE Tech. Changing Perceptions The world always looks different through different sets of eyes.Chicago's inner city youth may view education as a way out, butlike many kids across the nation, they still may not know exactly whatit is they want to do occupationally, and finding a place to fit in canbe problematic. Schools such as ACE Tech can give students a head startfor entering a career or going on to college. The school'sadministrators are hoping that prospective students will see that thereis a bright future for those who want to work hard, and that enteringthe fields of architecture, construction or engineering can berewarding. Attracting young people to the construction industry is achallenge, however. There is a negative image about skilled laborcareers. Many young people view such jobs as "below them,"menial and low paying. This is far from the truth. For instance, according to according toprep.1. As stated or indicated by; on the authority of: according to historians.2. In keeping with: according to instructions.3. the Occupational Outlook Handbook,pipelayers, plumbers, pipefitters and steamfitters make up one of thelargest and highest paid construction occupations. In 2002, this groupmade a median hourly earning of $19.31. The report also indicates thatas skills increase, wages increase. Another plus is that the young andinexperienced in��ex��pe��ri��ence?n.1. Lack of experience.2. Lack of the knowledge gained from apprentices receive the same benefits as experiencedpipelayers, plumbers, pipefitters and steamfitters. The most significant point made by the handbook about this groupwas that job opportunities should be excellent, because not enoughpeople are seeking training. This is an open invitation to young peoplewho are considering the diverse options building trades offer, and ACETech is hoping that by exposing students to the various aspects of theconstruction industry, it will help them make informed decisions abouttheir future careers while simultaneously preparing them with lifeskills that will aid them professionally and personally. Organizations like Chicago's Mechanical ContractorsAssociation (MCA MCAin full Music Corporation of AmericaEntertainment conglomerate. It was founded in Chicago in 1924 by Jules Stein as a talent agency. In the 1960s it bought Decca Records and Universal Pictures, and today it produces films, music, and television shows. ) and United Association's Local Union 597, one ofthe largest pipefitting local unions, have joined together in aggressivecampaigns to change the perception that the youth of today have aboutthe building trades. One of their most creative programs has been the"Tomorrow Team." A comic book comic bookBound collection of comic strips, usually in chronological sequence, typically telling a single story or a series of different stories. The first true comic books were marketed in 1933 as giveaway advertising premiums. and a CD contain colorfulcharacters such as Service Tech Dude and Pipefitter Chick, "justtwo ordinary citizens who pursue exciting careers in the pipingindustry." The goal is to attract more people to enroll inapprenticeship programs. One of ACE Tech's goals is to prepare students for such aprogram. It is a very imaginative way to present the industry to youngpeople of all ages and is presented in both English and Spanish. Building Education and Character The need for skilled laborers alone does not qualify students forthe jobs. As much as the building trades industry would like to fill themany existing and impending im��pend?intr.v. im��pend��ed, im��pend��ing, im��pends1. To be about to occur: Her retirement is impending.2. vacancies, they want applicants who areinterested in the field and who are prepared. ACE Tech has adoptedrigorous academic and character development courses, offering anaccelerated college preparatory curriculum that includes the equivalenceof six years of math, four years of science and eight years of languagearts language artspl.n.The subjects, including reading, spelling, and composition, aimed at developing reading and writing skills, usually taught in elementary and secondary school. . In addition, all ACE Tech students are required to take the ACTand SAT college entrance exams Noun 1. entrance exam - examination to determine a candidate's preparation for a course of studiesentrance examinationexam, examination, test - a set of questions or exercises evaluating skill or knowledge; "when the test was stolen the professor had to . "ACE's aim is to provide its students with 'OptionsPlus'--the option to attend college or be exceptionally prepared toscore well on the apprenticeship entrance exams," says PabloSierra, ACE Tech's chief educational officer. "Equallyimportant to its academic mission, ACE has a very structured and highlydisciplined character development program in place." Among some of the unique elements of the program are: * the ACE Advisory, an all boys or girls guidance session that ispart of the core curriculum and is designed so the teacher loops withthe same students for all four years * a merit/demerit system in which teachers issue demerits forviolating any of 15 "non-negotiable" policies * a Homework Resource where students are required to stayone-and-a-half hours after school if they do not do their homework * a student uniform policy that stipulates no gym shoes gym shoesNoun, plsame as plimsollsgym shoesnpl → zapatillas fpl de gimnasiagym shoesgym npl → chaussures , the ACElogo polo shirts must be tucked into dark blue dress slacks with belts,and no excess jewelry jewelry,personal adornments worn for ornament or utility, to show rank or wealth, or to follow superstitious custom or fashion.The most universal forms of jewelry are the necklace, bracelet, ring, pin, and earring. or earrings on girls with none allowed on boys * freshmen only admittance AdmittanceThe ratio of the current to the voltage in an alternating-current circuit. In terms of complex current I and voltage V, the admittance of a circuit is given by Eq. (1), and is related to the impedance of the circuit Z by Eq. (2). because the ACE curriculum is structuredto provide a seamless full four-year program that does not allow fortransfers from secondary schools "An example of ACE's character development efforts can beseen when one knocks on a classroom door on any given day,"explains Sierra. "A randomly selected student greeter eagerlywelcomes each visitor with intense eye contact, a firm handshake and aproper salutation. This is followed by an explanation of the dailylesson and an invitation into the room. This script is played out atevery classroom visit." Sierra notes that, although some may view these gestures assomewhat artificial and put on, the "greeter program" as wellas other institutionalized in��sti��tu��tion��al��ize?tr.v. in��sti��tu��tion��al��ized, in��sti��tu��tion��al��iz��ing, in��sti��tu��tion��al��iz��es1. a. To make into, treat as, or give the character of an institution to.b. rituals are designed to instill in��stillv.To pour in drop by drop.instil��lation n. disciplineand strength of character in ACE students. "In fact," Sierra says, "the ACE Tech administrationsees this as an integral part of the curriculum that is on equal footingwith other core subjects. The ACE mantra mantra(măn`trə, mŭn–), in Hinduism and Buddhism, mystic words used in ritual and meditation. A mantra is believed to be the sound form of reality, having the power to bring into being the reality it represents. is that students can'tcontrol many of the external variables that affect their learning orcount on having dynamic self-sacrificing teachers. They can, however,count on themselves. The discipline to learn and succeed must benurtured and internalized." Taking Assessment "Initial results seem tentatively promising," notesSierra with only 12 weeks into ACE Tech's first year. "Themain goal has been to establish the core base of academic essentials anddiscipline so that students will be well prepared to ascend to thespecialized world of construction-related trades and professions. Thesecurriculum tracks are still on the drawing board as ACE looks to developthe programs in time for the promotion of its first-ever freshmen classto sophomore year." Reports show that ACE students have increased their math scores by10 percentage points since their initial ACT entrance exams last July. "There have been zero incidents of such common high schoolailments as fighting, cutting class or gang-related activities,"says Sierra. "ACE students are universally acknowledged as wellmannered man��nered?adj.1. Having manners of a specific kind: ill-mannered children.2. a. Having or showing a certain manner: a mild-mannered supervisor. and well dressed wherever they visit. Racially diverse andhaving quickly garnered a reputation as a 'no excuses'regimented learning oasis, ACE Tech has become the school of choice inthe troubled Southside Chicago neighborhood it calls home."
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