Sunday, October 9, 2011

2007 Annual Conference--Tampa, Florida.

2007 Annual Conference--Tampa, Florida. The photo essay at the right captures some of the many highlightsof the 2007 ACEI ACEI Angiotensin Converting Enzyme InhibitorACEI Association for Childhood Education InternationalACEI Association of Consulting Engineers of Ireland Annual Conference and Exhibition in Tampa, Florida “Tampa” redirects here. For other uses, see Tampa (disambiguation).Tampa is a United States city in Hillsborough County, on the west coast of Florida. It serves as the county seat for Hillsborough County.GR6. , May2-5. This year's conference theme was "Education forTransformation: Impact on the Children of the World." The AnnualConference is the one opportunity each year that most of us have to meetface to face with ACEI friends and colleagues and, in so many caring andfulfilling ways, renew our steadfast commitment to the child-centeredgoals and purposes of the Association that, since 1892, have served toguide the work of ACEI members worldwide and the Headquarters Staff. After a full day packed with more than 250 truly outstanding andhighly informative sessions and workshops, the Annual Conferenceofficially began with the Opening General Session featuring JonathanKozol, activist and author. His presentation, titled "Inequities inEducation," focused on the fight against privatizing schools; hisconcern about the physical isolation and segregation of children inschool, which Kozol says has reached its highest point since 1968; theneed for better school environments and smaller classes; and the loss ofrecess. Kozol urged politicians in Washington to go into the classroomeach year to learn, firsthand first��hand?adj.Received from the original source: firsthand information.first , what teachers and students must deal withon a daily basis. He proclaimed, "All of our children are equal inthe eyes of God but not in the eyes of America.... Entirely too muchtime, the past 10 years," Kozol said, "has been spent tryingto make do with what we've got ... and it's not working." The many outstanding presentations and special committee-sponsoredsessions on the Conference Program included the following, to name justa few: "The Convention on the Rights of the Child The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, often referred to as CRC or UNCRC, is an international convention setting out the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of children. : Promoting U.S.Ratification The confirmation or adoption of an act that has already been performed.A principal can, for example, ratify something that has been done on his or her behalf by another individual who assumed the authority to act in the capacity of an agent. ," a special session on practical ways to promote U.S.ratification through education about children's rights The opportunity for children to participate in political and legal decisions that affect them; in a broad sense, the rights of children to live free from hunger, abuse, neglect, and other inhumane conditions. ; "ThoseWere the Days: Bringing History to Life Through Literature," anexploration of the many ways in which history and literacy gohand-in-hand; "Writing for Professional Publication: GettingStarted," a demonstration of the step-by-step process for thoseinterested in getting their ideas published in professional journals andmagazines; and "Child Protection: International Perspectives,"a highly informative session at which attendees were invited to discusschild protection in their respective countries and educational settings.The group focused on the elimination of all forms of discrimination andviolence against the girl child. More information about each of theseand other presentations at the Conference can be found at Conferees enjoyed a wide variety of special events or functions,including the Opening Gala Reception/Florida Night, which featured atour of the Henry B. Plant Museum The Henry B. Plant Museum is located in the south wing of Plant Hall (formerly the Tampa Bay Hotel) on the University of Tampa’s campus, at 401 West Kennedy Boulevard. at the University of Tampa The University of Tampa, or UT, is a private, co-educational university in downtown Tampa, Florida. It is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. In 2006, the University celebrated its 75th anniversary. ; anInternational "Meet and Greet" Reception; and Infancy/EarlyChildhood Special Committee-sponsored session on "School Readiness:Addressing Global Concerns for Child-Centered Programs." Inaddition, the World Organization for the Education of Children (OMEP OMEP Organisation Mondiale pour l'Education Pr��scolaire (French: World Organization for Early Childhood Education)OMEP Organizaci��n Mundial para la Educaci��n Preescolar )sponsored a breakfast meeting titled, "World OMEP: A LeadingAdvocate for the Convention on the Rights of the Child." Conferenceparticipants also had the opportunity to learn more about how they caninfluence the future of the world's children at a session titled"Global Perspectives on Early Childhood Care and Education"sponsored by the Global Guidelines Task Force, Belinda Hardin, Chair.The Closing General Session on the final day of the Conference was areal treat, giving us an opportunity to hear a wonderful keynote address keynote addressn.An opening address, as at a political convention, that outlines the issues to be considered. Also called keynote speech.Noun 1. by Kimberly Oliver, 2006 National Teacher of the Year--a strongproponent One who offers or proposes.A proponent is a person who comes forward with an a item or an idea. A proponent supports an issue or advocates a cause, such as a proponent of a will. PROPONENT, eccl. law. for quality teaching and improved student learning. The Annual Conference and Exhibition affords ACEI members, and manyothers who share our vision for children, a wonderful opportunity tocome together to exchange information and present new ideas "New Ideas" is the debut single by Scottish New Wave/Indie Rock act The Dykeenies. It was first released as a Double A-side with "Will It Happen Tonight?" on July 17, 2006. The band also recorded a video for the track. . It is thetime that we look forward to each year, a time to enjoy the company ofour many friends and colleagues worldwide. Thanks to the hard work anddedication of people like Tunde Szecsi, who served as General ConferenceChair; Sally Mayberry, Program Chair; Ella Vazquez-Montilla, CarolynSpillman, Gwyn Senokossoff, and Danielle Paull, Florida ConferenceCommittee; and Lisa Wenger, ACEI Director of Conferences, the 2007Annual Conference was an important center for international exchange. Wealso recognize the outstanding contribution of the Program ReviewCommittee and many volunteers. Now we turn our attention to Atlanta, Georgia, site of the 2008Annual Conference. Those involved in planning next year's meetinghave been busy working just as hard to ensure that everyone whoparticipates in ACEI's Annual Conference has a rewarding andenjoyable experience. I sincerely hope that all of you can join us March26-29, 2008, at the Westin Peachtree Plaza Hotel The Westin Peachtree Plaza Hotel is a skyscraper and hotel in downtown Atlanta, Georgia, adjacent to the Peachtree Center complex. It is 220 meters (723 feet) tall, and rises 73 stories from ground level. Its diameter is 188 ft (57 m). . The theme of theConference is "Beyond Standards: Reaching Every Child'sPotential." --Jerry Odland, Executive Director

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