Thursday, October 6, 2011
Call for presentations.
Call for presentations. April 12-15, 2006 * Hyatt Regency San Antonio San Antonio(săn ăntō`nēō, əntōn`), city (1990 pop. 935,933), seat of Bexar co., S central Tex., at the source of the San Antonio River; inc. 1837. on the Riverwalk, SanAntonio, Texas “San Antonio” redirects here. For other uses, see San Antonio (disambiguation).San Antonio is the second most populous city in Texas, the third most populous metropolitan area in Texas, and is the seventh most populous city in the United States. As of the 2006 U.S. Embracing a Confluence of Cultures in the Education ofChildren Rules of Participation 1. No one may submit more than two proposals, either as a presenteror co-presenter of a session. 2. Persons whose proposals are accepted must participate at thetime scheduled by the Program Committee. 3. ACEI ACEI Angiotensin Converting Enzyme InhibitorACEI Association for Childhood Education InternationalACEI Association of Consulting Engineers of Ireland strives to keep the meeting affordable for classroomteachers and prospective teachers. Therefore, all participants,including presenters, are required to register for the ACEI Conference.Presenters must preregister pre��reg��is��ter?v. pre��reg��is��tered, pre��reg��is��ter��ing, pre��reg��is��tersv.intr.To take part in enroll (a student) during a period of preregistration. by October 1, 2005. Presenter registrationis indication of your intent to participate. 4. ACEI does not underwrite To insure; to sell an issue of stocks and bonds or to guarantee the purchase of unsold stocks and bonds after a public issue.The word underwrite has two meanings. the expenses of presenters. 5. lf a presenter has a commercial product(s) or service topromote, this may be done by purchasing space in the Exhibit Hall.Presenters who have purchased space in the Exhibit Hall may mentiontheir presence in the Exhibit Hall during their session, but may in noway make or solicit sales during the session. Contact the ACEIConference Dept. for exhibitor information. General Submission Requirements Only proposals adhering to the guidelines guidelines, a set of standards, criteria, or specifications to be used or followed in the performance of certain tasks. and postmarked orelectronically date-stamped by the deadline for each category will beconsidered / reviewed. All categories of proposals must include thefollowing: 1. One (1) copy of a cover sheet that includes: name, completemailing address; daytime and home phone numbers; fax number; and E-mailaddress See Internet address. e-mail address - electronic mail address for each person presenting during the session. Also includeStudent Presenter Track on the cover if proposal is submitted by astudent or first-year teacher. To ensure a "blind" review,this information must not be included any other place in the proposal.Information that in any way identifies the presenter(s) may not beincluded in the body of the proposal; this could disqualify To deprive of eligibility or render unfit; to disable or incapacitate.To be disqualified is to be stripped of legal capacity. A wife would be disqualified as a juror in her husband's trial for murder due to the nature of their relationship. the proposalfrom consideration. The Title of the proposed session must be includedon the cover sheet. All proposals must also include a hard (paper) copyof the proposal with appropriately labeled sections containing thefollowing information: 2. Title of proposed session. 3. A highlighted Main Thrust of the proposal (25 words or less), tobe included in the Conference Program Book if your proposal is accepted. 4. Electronic submission of proposals is strongly encouraged.Attached files must be virus free in either Microsoft Word A full-featured word processing program for Windows and the Macintosh from Microsoft. Included in the Microsoft application suite, it is a sophisticated program with rudimentary desktop publishing capabilities that has become the most widely used word processing application on the market. vet vetcommon idiomatic version of veterinarian. . 5.0-6.0or ASCII/text-only format. Submit to TWO (2)stamped, self-addressed envelopes per presenter (unstamped if presenteris outside the U.S.) must be sent to the address below via regular mailon the same day the proposal is submitted electronically. 5. For proposals submitted via regular mail: Enclose en��close? also in��closetr.v. en��closed, en��clos��ing, en��clos��es1. To surround on all sides; close in.2. To fence in so as to prevent common use: enclosed the pasture. TWO (2)stamped self-addressed envelopes per presenter (unstamped if presenteris outside the U.S.). 6. All proposals must be postmarked or electronically date-stamped110 later than the deadlines indicated. All proposals (include name ofproposal category) EXCEPT those for Virtual Presentations and those forthe Hall of Celebration should be addressed to: ACEI--2006 Conference 17904 Georgia Avenue Georgia Avenue is a major north-south artery in Northwest Washington, D.C. and Montgomery County, Maryland. Within the District of Columbia, Georgia Avenue is also U.S. Route 29. Both Howard University and Walter Reed Army Medical Center are on Georgia Avenue. , Ste. 215, Olney, MD 20832 USA 301-570-2111;301-570-2212 (fax); 800-423-3563 E-mail to: Specific Submission Requirements Virtual Presentations * Deadline: Dec. 15, 2005 In addition to theGeneral Submission Requirements, all Virtual Presentation Proposals mustinclude the following: 1. A Description of the Technologies involved in the presentation.Proposal must include information for any additional downloadsparticipants would need to participate in the session, e.g., AdobeAcrobat Reader The former name of Adobe Reader. See PDF. . 2. Subject Area (choose one most appropriate category for reviewpurposes): a) Infancy, b) Early Childhood 1--Preschool, c) EarlyChildhood 2--Kindergarten, d) Early Childhood 3--Primary Grades, e)Later Childhood, f) International/Intercultural, g) Teacher Education(content is of interest to those involved in the education of futureteachers). 3. All Virtual Presentation proposals are to be submitted Notification of acceptance of Virtual Presentationproposals will be via E-mail. All Virtual Presentation presenters mustbe registered for the Conference. Global Sharing Fair * Deadline: Oct. 31, 2005 Friday, April14-Poster/Display Submissions Hall of Excellence * Deadline: Jan. 1,2006 Saturday, April 15-Poster/Display Submissions Hall of Celebration *Deadline: Feb. 28, 2006 Saturday, April 15 Poster/Display Submissions) There are no items required in addition to those listed in theGeneral Submission Requirements for Global Sharing Fair proposals, Hallof Excellence proposals, or Hall of Celebration proposals. The Hall ofExcellence Guidelines also apply to Global Sharing Fair proposals andare available on-line at the ACEI Web site ( or uponrequest from the ACEI Conference Department. Call 800-423-3563 or 301-570-2111; fax to 301-570-2212; or send an E-mail to ACEImc@aol. com. TheHall of Celebration presentations are intended exclusively to depict de��pict?tr.v. de��pict��ed, de��pict��ing, de��picts1. To represent in a picture or sculpture.2. To represent in words; describe. See Synonyms at represent. activities for Week of the Classroom Teacher celebrations. Submit ONLY Hall of Celebration proposals to: Jana Pauldin Week ofthe Classroom Teacher 17904 Georgia Ave., Ste. 215, Olney, MD 20832
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