Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Capitol view.
Capitol view. It's it's?1. Contraction of it is.2. Contraction of it has. See Usage Note at'sit is or it hasit'sbe ~have hard to believe, but it's getting to be that timeagain ... Perkins Per��kins? , Frances 1882-1965.American social reformer and public official. As U.S. secretary of labor (1933-1945) she was the first woman to hold a cabinet position. reauthorization! The Carl D. Perkins Vocational andTechnical Education Act The Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act was first authorized by the federal government in 1984 and reauthorized in 1998. Named for Carl D. Perkins, the act aims to increase the quality of technical education within the United States in order to help the economy. is scheduled to be reviewed by Congress nextyear. To prepare for this major legislative initiative, ACTE ACTE Association for Career and Technical Education (formerly American Vocational Association)ACTE Association of Corporate Travel ExecutivesACTE Approvals Committee for Terminal EquipmentACTE Anodal Closure Tetanus isundergoing a review of the law and is actively seeking input from ACTEmembers and other interested organizations and individuals on how tostructure ACTE's reauthorization proposal. ACTE encourages allmembers to participate in this critical policy development process.Here's what ACTE has underway now and some opportunities to lookfor in the coming months: ACTE will hold meetings at its National Policy Seminar to reviewkey provisions of the 1998 Perkins Act and elicit e��lic��it?tr.v. e��lic��it��ed, e��lic��it��ing, e��lic��its1. a. To bring or draw out (something latent); educe.b. To arrive at (a truth, for example) by logic.2. points of view fromconference attendees on how such provisions might be changed in theupcoming rewrite re��write?v. re��wrote , re��writ��ten , re��writ��ing, re�� To write again, especially in a different or improved form; revise.2. of the law. For example, the state and localaccountability provisions of the 1998 law were designed to givepolicymakers the information they need to determine if funds are beingused effectively and, at the same time, give the career and technicaleducation field the ammunition This article is largely based on the article in the out-of-copyright 11th edition of the Encyclopdia Britannica, which was produced in 1911. It should be brought up to date to reflect subsequent history or scholarship (including the references, if any). to defend itself against criticismsagainst this type of teaching and learning. Results are intended toguide educators on how to strengthen programs. Good news could also beused to spearhead new funding initiatives and increases in core programslike the Perkins Basic State Grants and Tech Prep. However, theseaccountability provisions have been quite burdensome to implement and,to date, have not yielded much information that can be used for itsintended purposes. ACTE will seek input on how these accountabilitymeasures can be simplified and made more effective so that they areeasier to implement and more useful to educators and policymakers.Topics to be reviewed, among others, are the impact of the eliminationof the displaced homemaker dis��placed homemakern.A woman who, after managing a household for years, is forced by financial necessity to find a wage-paying job. and gender equity funds, the shift in fundsdue to the change in the secondary distribution formula within states,potential links to a broader range of postsecondary and job traininginitiatives such as those provided through the Workforce investment Actand welfare reform and the attempts to address the needs of ruralschools and community colleges. ACTE will use its Web site and e-mail Legislative Network to conveyinformation and ideas about the reauthorization and seek input throughsurveys and other means on potential policy directives. ACTE's annual convention in December 2002 in Las Vegas Las Vegas(läs vā`gəs), city (1990 pop. 258,295), seat of Clark co., S Nev.; inc. 1911. It is the largest city in Nevada and the center of one of the fastest-growing urban areas in the United States. , Nev.,will feature a greater number of sessions than ever before on upcominglegislative issues. Sessions will feature speakers from the U.S.Department of Education's Office of Vocational and Adult Education The Office of Vocational and Adult Education (OVAE) is a subdivision of the United States Department of Education. OVAE falls under the supervision of the Undersecretary, who oversees policies, programs and activities related to vocational and adult education, postsecondary describing their proposals for the Perkins Act. ACTE is working closelywith OVAE to ensure that ACTE's voice is heard and to provide asmuch access as possible to the expertise of our membership. ACTEunderstands that OVAE is looking at a broad range of issues throughoutthis year to determine the best ways to position the Perkins Act andrelated legislation to contribute to student achievement. ACTE membersare encouraged to participate in discussions and activities with OVAEthroughout the year to assist the administration in developing itsPerkins reauthorization plans. Through its Web site, publications ande-mail Legislative Network, ACTE will provide information on the timingof potential OVAE activities related to policy development, including apossible Web cast by OVAE on April 4, 2002, regarding reauthorizationissues. ACTE is working with numerous education and workforceorganizations, including the National Association of State Directors ofVocational Technical Education, the American Association American Association refers to one of the following professional baseball leagues: American Association (19th century), active from 1882 to 1891. American Association (20th century), active from 1902 to 1962 and 1969 to 1997. of CommunityColleges, and others, to collaborate on policy development related tothe Perkins Act. ACTE expects to work in a coalition with other suchorganizations to ensure a strong and unified voice for career andtechnical education throughout the reauthorization process. Similaractivities coordinated by ACTE were the strength behind the successes ofthe last reauthorization, and ACTE hopes to build on those successes. Throughout the reauthorization process, including these monthsleading up to the actual review in Congress next year, ACTE willcontinue to build and strengthen its grassroots advocacy capabilitiesthrough outreach Outreach is an effort by an organization or group to connect its ideas or practices to the efforts of other organizations, groups, specific audiences or the general public. to its members and coordination with other educationassociations' grassroots efforts. To get information on how toparticipate, please contact ACTE's office of government relations.Your expertise and opinions count!
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