Sunday, October 2, 2011

Chapter 5: mythos, logos, ethos writing exercise.

Chapter 5: mythos, logos, ethos writing exercise. While at first the writing assignments were a bit daunting daunt?tr.v. daunt��ed, daunt��ing, dauntsTo abate the courage of; discourage. See Synonyms at dismay.[Middle English daunten, from Old French danter, from Latin , theyquickly became a point for reflection and reinforcement of our dailyexperience. All of us were writing about the same experience, yetgenerating such diverse text responses. The assignments forced me to reflect on my experiences and helpedme to remember details that I might have otherwise forgotten. This was a good reminder of what our students go through. Writings were a useful exercise in reflecting and synthesizingobservations. Review of others' writing at the end of the institutewas enlightening en��light��en?tr.v. en��light��ened, en��light��en��ing, en��light��ens1. To give spiritual or intellectual insight to: and inspirational. Sharing essays about Miami Beach Miami Beach,city (1990 pop. 92,639), Dade co., SE Fla., on an island between Biscayne Bay and the Atlantic Ocean; inc. 1915. It is connected to Miami by four causeways. revealed all the different ways wesaw it. This portion of the institute felt celebratory and Icouldn't wait to hear the Everglades essays next. 2006 Miami Faculty Institute participants Anonymous evaluations on institute writing assignments

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