Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Celebrating and honoring teachers and the teaching profession.

Celebrating and honoring teachers and the teaching profession. On April 30, 2008, at the White House Rose Garden, President Bushannounced that Michael Geisen would be the recipient of the 2008National Teacher of the Year The National Teacher of the Year is a professional award in the United States. The program began in 1952, as a project by the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), and aims to reward excellence in teaching. It is sponsored by ING. honor. The National Teacher of the Year isselected by a National Selection Committee, which consists of 15 majornational educational organizations, with ACEI ACEI Angiotensin Converting Enzyme InhibitorACEI Association for Childhood Education InternationalACEI Association of Consulting Engineers of Ireland doing its part as one ofthe Selection Committee members. Michael Geisen, a middle school 7th-grade science teacher fromPrineville, Oregon The city of Prineville is the seat of Crook County, Oregon, United States.GR6 It was named for the first merchant located in the present location, Barney Prine. The population was 7,356 at the 2000 census. The 2006 estimate is 9,990 residents. , entered the teaching field from a non-traditionalroute; he earned his bachelor's degree in Forest ResourceManagement. While working on his forestry career, he discovered hispassion for teaching. He then earned a Master of Arts Master of ArtsNouna degree, usually postgraduate in a nonscientific subject, or a person holding this degreeNoun 1. Master of Arts - a master's degree in arts and sciencesArtium Magister, MA, AM degree in teachingwith a science endorsement and began teaching science at Crook County Crook County is the name of several counties in the United States: Crook County, Oregon Crook County, Wyoming Middle School seven years ago. He advocates the use of innovativeteaching pedagogy to nurture NURTURE. The act of taking care of children and educating them: the right to the nurture of children generally belongs to the father till the child shall arrive at the age of fourteen years, and not longer. Till then, he is guardian by nurture. Co. Litt. 38 b. children's creativity Geisen'spassion for teaching, his innovative teaching approaches, and his senseof humor Noun 1. sense of humor - the trait of appreciating (and being able to express) the humorous; "she didn't appreciate my humor"; "you can't survive in the army without a sense of humor"sense of humour, humor, humour made him stand out among the 56 State Teacher of the Yearcandidates. Geisen spoke at the Recognition Gala in his honor HIS HONOR. A title given by the constitution of Massachusetts to the lieutenant governor of that commonwealth. Const. part 2, c. 2, s. 2, art. 1. It, is also customarily given to some inferior magistrates, as the mayor of a city. on April 30 inWashington, DC. He indicated that curriculum should not be designed andlearning outcomes should not be measured by focusing only on the leftbrain. He believes that children must use both their right and leftbrains to learn. Teachers must prepare children with the knowledge andskills that they require for the 21st century in order to competeworldwide. Through his creative teaching approaches, Geisen has madescience fun for many 7th-graders, having a great impact on manystudents' learning and producing measurable learning outcomes. Asthe National Teacher of the Year, Geisen will travel nationally andinternationally and serve as the spokesperson for the teachingprofession. ACEI sends our congratulations to Michael Geisen as the 2008National Teacher of the Year. We also want to recognize the many otheroutstanding teachers who work diligently dil��i��gent?adj.Marked by persevering, painstaking effort. See Synonyms at busy.[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin d and provide the best learningopportunities for their students. ACEI has a long history of honoring teachers and valuing theteaching profession. In 1995, ACEI launched the Week of the ClassroomTeacher initiative to recognize dedicated classroom teachers andcelebrate the teaching profession. The Week of the Classroom Teachercelebration was held in May each year, coinciding co��in��cide?intr.v. co��in��cid��ed, co��in��cid��ing, co��in��cides1. To occupy the same relative position or the same area in space.2. To happen at the same time or during the same period.3. with the NationalTeacher Day activity. Since ACEI is an international organization, withmembers in more than 40 countries, we joined the United NationsEducational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO UNESCO:see United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. UNESCOin full United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization ) in 2005 bysigning the Recommendation Concerning the Status of Teachers and made acommitment to join the public awareness campaign to highlight thecontributions made by the teaching profession. Since then, ACEI'sannual Week of the Classroom Teacher has coincided with WorldTeachers' Day World Teachers' Day, held annually on 5 October since 1994, commemorates teachers’ organisations worldwide. Its aim is to mobilise support for teachers and to ensure that the needs of future generations will continue to be met by teachers. , which is on October 5 each year. This year, the Weekof the Classroom Teacher and World Teachers' Day celebration isscheduled from October 5 to October 11. One of ACEI's newly approved Strategic Goals is "topromote excellence in teaching and learning by influencing national andglobal policies, standards, and pedagogy." In order to promoteexcellence in teaching and learning, ACEI members must participate inthe Week of the Classroom Teacher and World Teachers' Day campaignto draw public attention to the important roles that teachers play forchildren's learning and within the global society. This year, the World Teachers' Day theme focuses on promotingbetter work conditions for all teaching professionals. Many preschooleducators and child care providers still receive minimum wage for theimportant work they do for you lag children and families. I encourageACEI Branches to organize public forums and/or organize community-widecampaigns to draw public attention and address preschool teachers'and child care providers' working conditions. Each year in May,during the National Teacher Day celebration, schools, communities, andparents show their appreciation and honor classroom teachers* Child careproviders have often been left out from this recognition. ACEI membersshould advocate on behalf of child care professionals by remindingparents and community leaders about the important influence that childcare providers have on their children. The No Child Left Behind Act The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (Public Law 107-110), commonly known as NCLB (IPA: /ˈnɪkəlbiː/), is a United States federal law that was passed in the House of Representatives on May 23, 2001 (NCLB NCLB No Child Left Behind (US education initiative)) puts an emphasis onaccountability. Many public school teachers face the challenge ofraising students' learning outcomes. Currently, there is a proposalin Congress to impose test-based pay programs on teachers. ACEI iscommitted to promoting excellence in teaching and learning byinfluencing national and global policies. To address the impact of NCLBon teaching and learning, I encourage ACEI Branches to partner withlocal PTA PTAor parent-teacher association:see parent education. groups, community organizations, and/or school boards byorganizing forums that allow parents, teachers, and community members toshare their perspectives and address NCLB-related issues. ACEI must takean active role and advocate on behalf of teachers and children. The ACEIWeek of the Classroom Teacher and World Teachers' Day can serve asthe best vehicle to accomplish this goal. To help you plan the Week ofthe Classroom Teacher/World Teacher Day activities, please log on tothis link on ACEI's website: www.acei.org/wcthp.htm. ACEI believes that competent, creative, and committed teachers willenhance students' learning and produce competent individuals whowill make contributions to society at the national and global levels. AsMichael Geisen, the National Teacher of the Year 2008, makes his roundsto speak on behalf of the teaching profession, each ACEI member can alsoserve as the spokesperson on behalf of the early and middle childhoodprofessions' children and families. We need more voices to channelour messages. Only when our voices have been heard by policymakers,school administrators, and community members, will positive changeoccur. --Karen Liu, ACEI President Resources: www.acei.org/wcthp.htm www.ei-ie.org/worldteachersday/en/index.php www.nea.org/international/wtd07.html

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