Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Catalog Showcase Spring 2005.
Catalog Showcase Spring 2005. AARDVARK CLAY & SUPPLIES The most comprehensive ceramic supplies catalog available. Over 250pages of clays, glazes, kilns, potter's wheels, equipment, tools,books and everything else for ceramics. From K-12 and beyond. Aardvarkhas what you want and need to help you bring out the talent in yourstudents. email: contact@aardvarkclay.com Circle #236 on Reader Service Card [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] ART VIDEO WORLD Buy any three videos or DVDs, choose one FREE bonus video. Subjectscovered include Drawing, Cartooning, Painting, Ceramics, Photography,K-8 Videos, Careers, Architecture, Multicultural Art, and Art History.We also offer a selection of bonus prints to choose from. Call1-800-644-3429 for a free color catalog. Art Video World P.O. Box 2545, Glenview, IL 60025 1-800-644-3429 Circle #239 on Reader Service Card [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] AFTOSA For over 20 years Aftosa has been a leader in providing accessoriesfor the potter and ceramic artist. All items are shipped FREIGHT FREE inthe contiguous U.S. with only a small P/H charge. We are happy to acceptSchool Purchase Orders with a minimum order of $100. 800-231-0397 www.aftosa.com Circle #237 on Reader Service Card [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] ARTS AND ACTIVITIES MAGAZINE ARTS & ACTIVITIES helps teachers guide student growth andlearning in art with well-illustrated projects, ideas and examples of awide range of creative applications ARTS & ACTIVITIES addresses allgrade levels from pre-K through high school, and is used as a text inart education programs at colleges and universities nationwide. One year(10 issues) only $24.95. Subscribe today! www.artsandactivities.com Circle #240 on Reader Service Card [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] ART TO REMEMBER Art To Remember has developed a unique program that encourages yourstudents artistic creativity while providing you with an opportunity toraise funds for school projects. From T-shirts to mouse pads, ATR ATRAchilles tendon reflex, see Ankle reflex quality items make creative gifts and keepsakes for friends and family. (800) 895-8777 www.arttoremember.com Circle #238 on Reader Service Card [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] BAILEY CERAMIC SUPPLY Bailey's all new 225-page FREE color catalog is brimming withall the products you will ever need for your classroom! From hundreds ofnew books and videos, to equipment, to AP nontoxic glazes, to everyimaginable tool, Bailey has it all. Professional service and advice.Lowest prices. U.S.A. (800) 431-6067 www.baileypottery.com Circle #241 on Reader Service Card [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] BLICK ART MATERIALS Techniques and materials related to art:Traditional techniques: Acrylic paint Charcoal Clay Collage Drawing Fresco Glass Gouache Gum arabic Lithography Oil painting Oil pastel Paint Painting Pen and ink Blick's Spring Sale catalog is now available--FREE--andfeatures a popular selection of classroom paints, brushes, papers, andmore with savings up to 70% off. Call 800-447-8192 for information andto receive your catalog today. Blick Art Materials PO Box 1267, Galesburg, IL 61402-1267 www.dickblick.com email: info@dickblick.com Circle #242 on Reader Service Card [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] CRIZMAC An exciting catalog of multicultural art education resourcesincluding curriculum programs, VHS (Video Home System) A half-inch, analog videocassette recorder (VCR) format introduced by JVC in 1976 to compete with Sony's Betamax, introduced a year earlier. tapes, DVD's, music, books,Children's literature children's literature,writing whose primary audience is children.See also children's book illustration. The Beginnings of Children's LiteratureThe earliest of what came to be regarded as children's literature was first meant for adults. , CD-ROM's and folk art folk art,the art works of a culturally homogeneous people produced by artists without formal training. The forms of such works are generally developed into a tradition that is either cut off from or tenuously connected to the contemporary cultural mainstream. . CRIZMAC summertravel opportunities and Speaker Series programs are also featured. Fora Free Catalog: (800) 913-8555 www.crizmac.com Circle #245 on Reader Service Card [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] DELPHI Delphi(dĕl`fī), locality in Phocis, Greece, near the foot of the south slope of Mt. Parnassós, c.6 mi (10 km) northeast of the port of Cirrha. It was the seat of the Delphic oracle, the most famous and most powerful of ancient Greece. America's largest art glass and mosaics supplier offers acatalog just for teachers. Features stained glass stained glass,in general, windows made of colored glass. To a large extent, the name is a misnomer, for staining is only one of the methods of coloring employed, and the best medieval glass made little use of it. mosaics, fused glass Fused glass is a term used to describe glass that has been fired (heat-processed) in a kiln at a range of high temperatures from 593o C (1100oF) to 816o C (1500oF). There 3 main distinctions for temperature application and the resulting effect on the glass. beadmaking and jewelry supplies for the classroom; including glasspacks, starter kits and bulk value packs. Delphi "Makes ItEasy" for teachers since 1972--satisfaction guaranteed. FREE colorcatalogs and lesson plans. 20% year-round discount! Phone: 888-281-5780 or 517-394-4631 Web site: delphiglass.com/teach E-Mail: teach@delphiglass.com Circle #248 on Reader Service Card [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] CARROUSEL STUDIOS New revolutionary method teaches all students 10 through adult todraw what they see. So easy all children understand immediately how todraw anything. Tested program. Immediate improvement. DVD DVD:see digital versatile disc. DVDin full digital video disc or digital versatile discType of optical disc. The DVD represents the second generation of compact-disc (CD) technology. of VHS,teacher's manual, special drawing aids. Complete program. Make learning to draw fun! www.carrouselstudios.com email: carrouselstudios@chartermi.net 989-835-6231 Circle #243 on Reader Service Card [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] CRYSTAL PRODUCTIONS The 2005 Full-Line Art Education Resources Catalog from CrystalProductions includes over 2,000 products, including books, CD-ROMs,games, posters, timelines, DVDs, and videos. Some of the more than 200new products include Dropping in Dropping in is a skateboarding trick with which a skateboarder can start skating a half-pipe by dropping into it from the coping instead of starting from the bottom and pumping gradually for more speed. on Grant Wood book and video,Aboriginal Art: How to Create It video, Art Styles videos, OpticalIllusions video, and more. www.crystalproductions.com Circle #246 on Reader Service Card [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] EVENHEAT KILN Evenheat Kiln, Inc. has for over 50 yrs supplied the firingcommunity with Top-of-The-Line Kilns. We have a large array of kilns tosuit virtually any need or desire, in both kiln size and style ofcontrollers. Our kilns are manufactured with High Performance in mind.Trust your work to nothing less than the best ... Call for Free literature of visit our website now, to see all wehave to offer. (989) 856-2281 * www.evenheat-kiln.com Circle #249 on Reader Service Card [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] CLAY TIMES A practical and colorful magazine covering trends and techniquesfor everyone interested in pottery and claywork. Topics includehandbuilding, wheel throwing, step-by-step projects, galleryexhibitions, glazing, firing, health and safety, teaching, recipes,studio tips and more. NEW! Special Discounts for full-time students andbulk classroom orders. e-mail:circulation@claytimes.com www.claytimes.com Circle #244 on Reader Service Card [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] DEBCOR INC. "ROCK STEADY" ART & ACTIVITIES TABLES Debcor's heavy-duty Arts & Activity Tables with large worksurfaces are ideal for grouping students. Tops are 60" x 42"with scratch, stain, and liquid resistant laminate surface. Easy toassemble steel base has height adjustable legs. Top color choices arePutty, Grey Nebula nebula(nĕb`ylə)[Lat.,=mist], in astronomy, observed manifestation of a collection of highly rarefied gas and dust in interstellar space. Teal Nebula or Golden Oak laminates. Tough PVC PVC:see polyvinyl chloride. PVCin full polyvinyl chlorideSynthetic resin, an organic polymer made by treating vinyl chloride monomers with a peroxide. or"armor" edges. Send for a free catalog. 513 West Taft Drive, South Holland, IL 60473 Circle #247 on Reader Service Card [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] EXPRESSION MAGAZINE Celebrate your creativity through Expression Magazine. Page afterpage of lush color photographs featuring exciting art forms provides aforum for creative ideas. Reader submitted art includes letter artsrubber stamping, polymer clay Polymer clay is a sculptable material based on the polymer polyvinyl chloride. It usually contains no clay minerals, and is only called "clay" because it can be used for similar purposes as natural clay. , jewelry-making, paper and fabric arts.Helpful techniques and step-by-step directions can be adapted to guidestudent endeavors and make lesson-planning easier. One year (six issuesonly) $34.95. Subscribe today! www.expressionartmagazine.com Circle #250 on Reader Service Card [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] FM BRUSH CO. Dynasty[R] Brushes Dynasty[R] brushes offer you a variety of paint brushes for almostevery medium. We have the best variety of artist, craft and hobby paintbrushes designed and created by craftsmen. Whether you're a teacheror a student, use some of the finest brushes available in the worldtoday. Call: 718-821-5939 Circle #251 on Reader Service Card [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] JOURNEYED.COM Students, teachers and schools can save up to 75% OFF retail priceson the most popular software available. JourneyEd has the widestsoftware selection available from popular manufacturers such as Adobe,Macromedia, Microsoft, Autodesk, Discreet, Softimage, Corel and manymore. Order toll-free at (800)874-9001 or online at www.journeyEd.com.Call or go online for a FREE Student Software Guide Catalog. Circle #254 on Reader Service Card [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] NANTUCKET ISLAND SCHOOL An island arts, educational nature adventure! Refresh, gatherideas, enjoy textile painting clay and photo studios. Createmulticultural curriculum engaging class, school and community.PDP's or Graduate credit, NISDA affiliation Massachusetts Collegeof Art. Bring colleagues, family, friends. Beaches bike trails and more.Seaview Farm Studios, Harbor Cottage Living. Program:508-228-9248 * Cottages: 508-228-4485 www.nisda.org * nisda@nantucket.net Circle #257 on Reader Service Card [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] GRAPHIC DISPLAY SYSTEMS Versatile and lightweight for use in classrooms, stage backdropsand art displays. For a free catalog contact Graphic Display Systems 308 S. 1st.,Lebanon, PA 17042 www.graphicdisplaysystems.com Circle #252 on Reader Service Card [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] L & L KILN MFG MFG ManufacturingMFG ManufacturerMFG Mit Freundlichen Gr��?en (German: With Best Regards)MfG Mitfahrgelegenheit (German)MFG Marithe Francois Girbaud (French clothing company)., INC. L&L EASY-FIRE KILNS Color catalog describes L&L's new Easy-Fire kilns designedfor schools. More rugged than typical kilns they feature hard ceramicelement channels to protect the kiln's interior. The spring-loadedhinge is easy-to-open and safely stays out of the teacher's waywhile loading. These automatic kilns feature Four "Easy-Fire"ceramic programs. All L&L kilns come with a three year limitedwarranty Limited warrantyA warranty with certain conditions and limitations on the parts covered, type of damage covered, and/or time period for which the agreement is good. . Toll Free: 888-909-5456 www.hotkilns.com Circle #255 on Reader Service Card [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] NASCO NASCO North Atlantic Salmon Conservation OrganizationNASCO National Account Service Company LLCNASCO National Academy of Science Committee On Oceanography ARTS & CRAFTS The Art Teacher's Favorite Catalog! The most comprehensive selection of arts and crafts arts and crafts,term for that general field of applied design in which hand fabrication is dominant. The term was coined in England in the late 19th cent. as a label for the then-current movement directed toward the revivifying of the decorative arts. supplies everavailable from one source. Supplies and teaching aids teaching aidsnpl → materiales mpl pedag��gicosteaching aidsnpl → supports mpl p��dagogiquesteaching aidsteach npl for art history,sculpture, drawing painting printmaking printmakingArt form consisting of the production of images, usually on paper but occasionally on fabric, parchment, plastic, or other support, by various techniques of multiplication, under the direct supervision of or by the hand of the artist. leather crafts, ceramics, metalenameling, jewelry making, weaving, woodcrafts stained glass, and manyother crafts are featured in this all-inclusive volume. Contact us todayfor a FREE NASCO Arts & Crafts Catalog. 1-800-558-9595 www.eNASCO.com Circle #258 on Reader Service Card [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] J & J DISPLAY J & J Display has an attractive and economical solution thatmakes the most of your precious SPACE AND BUDGET. Our racks are greatfor showcasing artwork, photos, historic documents and for use in theclassroom. Show off your school pride and student accomplishments todayby calling of logging on. 800-347-2008 www.jjdisplay.com Circle #253 on Reader Service Card [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] MIDLANTIC CLAY Free catalog for K12 & beyond Art Teachers with everything youwould ever need for ceramic and pottery projects at the lowest costs& shipped the same day. Ph: (856) 933-0022 Fax: (856) 931-1240 mail@midlanticclay.com Circle #256 on Reader Service Card [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] NATIONAL ARTCRAFT SUPPLY www.nationalartcraft.com National Artcraft Co. is a leader in unusual and hard-to-find artand craft components. See our latest catalog or complete web sitefeaturing Craft Supplies, Musical Movements This is a list of musical movements European classical music. These terms, helpful for curricula or anthologies, evolved over time to group musicians who are often loosely related. , Clocks and Electrical,Ceramics and Pottery, Supplies. Spacious warehouse facilities allow fora huge inventory with a high fill rate and shipping within 2 workingdays on most orders. (888) 937-2723 sales@nationalartcraft.com Circle #259 on Reader Service Card [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] NORTH STAR EQUIPMENT A full line of quality ceramic equipment designed for ease of use,safety and durability. Our slab rollers, extruders and other equipmentare fully warranted and reasonably priced. Art instructors around thenation know and trust North Star! For more information or to order call: 1-800-231-7896 Circle #260 on Reader Service Card [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] RENAISSANCE GRAPHIC ARTS graphic arts:see aquatint; drawing; drypoint; engraving; etching; illustration; linoleum block printing; lithography; mezzotint; niello; pastel; poster; silk-screen printing; silhouette; silverpoint; sketch; stencil; woodcut and wood engraving. INC. Printmaking Supplies/ Traditional & Digital Papers 69Steamwhistle Dr. Ivyland, PA 18974 (888) 833-3398 www.printmaking-materials.com Circle #263 on Reader Service Card [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] SCULPTURE HOUSE Sculpture House is the leading manufacturer and distributor ofhandcrafted sculpting tools, materials and accessories. Maintaining itstradition of crafting excellence since 1883, we provide quality toolsand materials for clay modeling Clay modeling (or clay model making) for automobile prototypes was first introduced in the 1930s by automobile designer Harley Earl, head of the General Motors styling studio (known initially as the Art and Color Section, and later as the Design and Styling Department). , mold making and casting, stone carving See also: petroglyph.Stone carving is an ancient activity where pieces of rough natural stone are shaped by the controlled removal of stone. ,wood carving, and ceramics. Visit us at: www.sculpturehouse.com Circle #266 on Reader Service Card [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] PMC (1) See Portable Media Center.(2) (PCI Mezzanine Card) A PCI-based mezzanine card that is widely adapted to VMEbus, CompactPCI and PCI cards. CONNECTION This extensive catalog offers the exciting new art materialPrecious Metal Clay, plus everything else you need to create amazingthree dimensional works of fine silver or gold. From clay and modelingtools to kilns and how-to-books. Visit PMC Connection at www.pmcconnection.com or call 866-PMC-Clay Circle #261 on Reader Service Card [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] RUNYAN POTTERY SUPPLY INC. One of the largest "FAST SHIP" Factory Outlets in theU.S.A. for Clay, Glaze, Tools, Ceramic Equipment and Thousands ofSupplies. TEACHERS: Call for 100-page catalog and technical help on kiln andequip. repair parts and new purchase guidance on KILNS & WHEELS. RUNYAN HOTLINE: (810) 686-CLAY (2529) ... Talk to Real People!...orVisit us on the Web... www.runyanpotterysupply.com 30+ Years Serving Artists & Art Educators Circle #264 on Reader Service Card [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] SKUTT CERAMIC PRODUCTS Check out our NEW CATALOG! Skutt has been a leading manufacturer of electric kilns and kilnvent systems for nearly 50 years. Our sectional design has become astandard in art classrooms all over the world. Don't want to waitfor the mail? Check out our Web site at: www.skutt.com and download lesson plans, manuals and brochures. Circle #267 on Reader Service Card [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] PRIME ARTS LIMITED INC. Mats by PAL[TM] makes a huge line of framing mats, but discoverthat mats are not just for framing anymore! NEW!! Fun product lines tojump start your creativity using mats! jazzed up! mini's[TM],jazzed up! scraps[TM] and jazzed up! bag o scraps[TM]. Craft Mats byPAL[TM], Photo Mats by PAL[TM] Craft Cards By PAL[TM]. Also 9 great newcolors! Min. order is $25. Call 800-343-4251 (8:30am-4pm EST ESTelectroshock therapy. ESTabbr.electroshock therapy ) or look upall our terrific products and request a FREE catalog at our website www.primeartslimited.com Circle #262 on Reader Service Card [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] SAX ARTS & CRAFTS Sax Arts & Crafts[R] Special Edition 2005 Catalog New & Exciting Late Breaking Products Call 800-558-6696 andrequest your FREE copy or visit us online al www.saxarts.com Circle #265 on Reader Service Card [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] UNITED ART & EDUCATION Request your FREE Art Materials Catalog You'll find your favorite art supplies and 100s of new itemsin our 2005 Art Materials Catalog. Compare and save with our competitivepricing, volume discounts and free shipping program. United Art andEducation has been providing dependable, personal service to techers andschools nationwide for over 44 years. Ph: 800-322-3247 * Fax: 800-858-3247 Visit www.UnitedNow.com for easy online ordering & dozens offree project ideas. Circle #268 on Reader Service Card [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED]
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